Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream
Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream is a free application not affiliated with Nintendo made for streamers, allowing their viewers to catch, collect, battle & trade Pokémon live on stream! Whenever a Pokémon appears, players are chosen to throw a Pokéball in hopes to catch it!
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2315 total Pokémon collected in this channel!
Recent events on Mupjup's channel
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CATCH - 21 hours agoMupjup caught a Cursola
CATCH - 21 hours agosciros_ex caught a Magcargo
CATCH - 21 hours agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Mareanie
CATCH - 1 day agoMupjup caught a Gallade
CATCH - 1 day agoMupjup caught a Rowlet
CATCH - 1 day agoRevivalFlame caught a Joltik
CATCH - 1 day agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Sharpedo
CATCH - 1 day agoMupjup caught a Butterfree
CATCH - 1 day agoCynniUniflame caught a Aerodactyl
CATCH - 1 day agoCynniUniflame caught a Tauros
CATCH - 2 days agoRevivalFlame caught a Crawdaunt
CATCH - 2 days agoMupjup caught a Beautifly
CATCH - 2 days agosciros_ex caught a Magnemite
CATCH - 2 days agoRevivalFlame caught a Shroomish
CATCH - 2 days agoRevivalFlame caught a Minun
CATCH - 2 days agoMupjup caught a Kirlia
CATCH - 2 days agoCynniUniflame caught a Whismur
CATCH - 5 days agoRevivalFlame caught a Aron
CATCH - 5 days agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Alolan-Exeggutor
CATCH - 5 days agoMupjup caught a Smoochum
CATCH - 5 days agoMupjup caught a Swellow
CATCH - 1 week agoCynniUniflame caught a Whirlipede
CATCH - 1 week agoMupjup caught a Grumpig
CATCH - 1 week agoMupjup caught a Graveler
CATCH - 1 week agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Swablu
CATCH - 1 week agosciros_ex caught a Weedle
CATCH - 1 week agoCynniUniflame caught a Magcargo
CATCH - 1 week agoCynniUniflame caught a Venomoth
CATCH - 3 weeks agosciros_ex caught a Whiscash
CATCH - 3 weeks agoCynniUniflame caught a Zubat
CATCH - 3 weeks agoCynniUniflame caught a Jirachi
CATCH - 3 weeks agoCynniUniflame caught a Magnemite
CATCH - 3 weeks agoCynniUniflame caught a Makuhita
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Sableye
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Cinccino
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Gligar
CATCH - 3 weeks agosciros_ex caught a Milcery
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Heracross
CATCH - 3 weeks agoCynniUniflame caught a Pupitar
CATCH - 3 weeks agosciros_ex caught a Vibrava
CATCH - 3 weeks agoCynniUniflame caught a Dugtrio
CATCH - 3 weeks agosciros_ex caught a Sneasel
CATCH - 3 weeks agoCynniUniflame caught a Wailmer
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Noivern
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Wooloo
CATCH - 3 weeks agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Unown
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Milcery
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Torkoal
CATCH - 3 weeks agoMupjup caught a Kadabra
CATCH - 1 month agoCynniUniflame caught a Nuzleaf
CATCH - 1 month agoCynniUniflame caught a Golbat
CATCH - 1 month agoReapuh caught a Gulpin
CATCH - 1 month agoMupjup caught a Arceus
CATCH - 1 month agosciros_ex caught a Ekans
CATCH - 1 month agoMupjup caught a Scrafty
CATCH - 1 month agoCynniUniflame caught a Cascoon
CATCH - 1 month agosciros_ex caught a Corphish
CATCH - 1 month agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Joltik
CATCH - 1 month agosciros_ex caught a Dunsparce
CATCH - 1 month agoCynniUniflame caught a Cleffa
CATCH - 1 month agoCynniUniflame caught a Meganium
CATCH - 1 month agoMupjup caught a Pelipper
CATCH - 1 month agoMupjup caught a Tyrogue
CATCH - 1 month agosciros_ex caught a Xatu
CATCH - 1 month agoMupjup caught a Meditite
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild
Metapod fainted.
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild
Metapod fainted.
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild
Lotad fainted.
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild
Paldean-Wooper fainted.
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild
Paras fainted.
CATCH - 1 month agoMupjup caught a Loudred
CATCH - 1 month agoMupjup caught a Miltank
CATCH - 1 month agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Whirlipede
CATCH - 1 month agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Dewgong
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild
Shellder fainted.
CATCH - 1 month agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Galarian-Corsola
CATCH - 2 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Growlithe
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Porygon2
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Swalot
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Seviper
CATCH - 2 months agosciros_ex caught a Lairon
CATCH - 2 months agosciros_ex caught a Nosepass
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Spiritomb
CATCH - 2 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Trevenant
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Shedinja
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Drifblim
CATCH - 2 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Ekans
CATCH - 2 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Ralts
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Floatzel
CATCH - 2 months agosciros_ex caught a Lopunny
CATCH - 2 months agosciros_ex caught a Nidoran-m
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Crawdaunt
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Primeape
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Wobbuffet
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Slakoth
CATCH - 2 months agosciros_ex caught a Corsola
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Umbreon
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Mightyena
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Paldean-Wooper
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Torkoal
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Skitty
CATCH - 2 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Yanma
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Articuno
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Lampent
CATCH - 2 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Doduo
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Hariyama
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Pelipper
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Butterfree
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Rhydon
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Volcarona
CATCH - 2 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Dodrio
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Medicham
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Blastoise
CATCH - 2 months agosciros_ex caught a Venonat
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Grovyle
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Arceus
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Sylveon
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Ninjask
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Delcatty
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Cacnea
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Taillow
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Seedot
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Nosepass
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Wailord
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Vibrava
CATCH - 2 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Floatzel
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Cherrim
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Dodrio
CATCH - 2 months agodokbanks caught a Cacnea
CATCH - 2 months agosciros_ex caught a Grumpig
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild
Tentacool fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agodokbanks caught a Joltik
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Litwick
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild
Horsea fainted.
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild
MissingNo. fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Cascoon
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Drifloon
CATCH - 2 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Paldean-Wooper
CATCH - 2 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Hariyama
CATCH - 2 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Ampharos
CATCH - 2 months agoMupjup caught a Persian
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Corsola
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Hoppip
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Alolan-Meowth
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Octillery
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Vibrava
CATCH - 3 months agosciros_ex caught a Chinchou
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Koffing
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Venipede
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Medicham
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Skitty
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Plusle
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Wailmer
CATCH - 3 months agosciros_ex caught a Marill
CATCH - 3 months agosciros_ex caught a Buneary
CATCH - 3 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Makuhita
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Arbok
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Alolan-Persian
FAINT - 3 months agoA wild
Horsea fainted.
CATCH - 3 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Camerupt
CATCH - 3 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Appletun
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Machoke
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Chinchou
CATCH - 3 months agosciros_ex caught a Medicham
CATCH - 3 months agosciros_ex caught a Buizel
CATCH - 3 months agosciros_ex caught a Maractus
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Flareon
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Zangoose
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Larvesta
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Mimikyu
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Nidoqueen
CATCH - 3 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Mimikyu
FAINT - 3 months agoA wild
Lotad fainted.
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Scolipede
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Meganium
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Rhyhorn
CATCH - 3 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Plusle
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Poochyena
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Electrike
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Ninetales
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Azurill
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Electivire
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Houndoom
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Octillery
CATCH - 3 months agosciros_ex caught a Pidgey
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Ninjask
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Weedle
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Seedot
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Sudowoodo
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Pidgeotto
CATCH - 3 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Corphish
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Magmar
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Gulpin
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Alakazam
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Linoone
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Minun
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Grimer
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Chikorita
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Wailmer
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Sceptile
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Surskit
CATCH - 3 months agosciros_ex caught a Persian
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Lunatone
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Abomasnow
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Flygon
CATCH - 3 months agoSephraem caught a Poliwhirl
CATCH - 3 months agoSephraem caught a Mareep
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Alolan-Marowak
CATCH - 3 months agoSephraem caught a Lotad
CATCH - 3 months agoReapuh caught a Growlithe
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Corphish
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Wooper
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Omanyte
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Kabuto
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Spinarak
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Oddish
FAINT - 3 months agoA wild
Ralts fainted.
CATCH - 3 months agodokbanks caught a Venomoth
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Croconaw
CATCH - 3 months agoMupjup caught a Teddiursa
CATCH - 3 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Dunsparce
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Xatu
CATCH - 4 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Drifloon
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Scyther
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Wyrdeer
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Appletun
CATCH - 4 months agoSephraem caught a Phantump
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Treecko
CATCH - 4 months agoSephraem caught a Taillow
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Alolan-Meowth
CATCH - 4 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Pidgey
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Swablu
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Rhyhorn
CATCH - 4 months agoSephraem caught a Combusken
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Vileplume
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Larvitar
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Rhydon
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Delcatty
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Larvesta
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Cubone
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Camerupt
CATCH - 4 months agoTriSalt caught a Corphish
CATCH - 4 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Pupitar
CATCH - 4 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Pidgeotto
CATCH - 4 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Marshtomp
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Roselia
CATCH - 4 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Poochyena
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Charizard
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Surskit
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Cinccino
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Buizel
CATCH - 4 months agosciros_ex caught a Phantump
CATCH - 4 months agosciros_ex caught a Cacnea
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Alolan-Muk
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Chandelure
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Wailmer
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Natu
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Mantine
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Ultra-Necrozma
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Ivysaur
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Aron
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Mightyena
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Numel
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Blaziken
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Vibrava
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Makuhita
CATCH - 4 months agoReapuh caught a Magcargo
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Forretress
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Crobat
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Minun
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Hariyama
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Drakloak
CATCH - 4 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Electivire
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Gyarados
CATCH - 4 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Galarian-Corsola
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Maractus
CATCH - 4 months agoReapuh caught a Lugia
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Taillow
CATCH - 4 months agosciros_ex caught a Lickitung
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Shroomish
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Cyndaquil
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Sunkern
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Grumpig
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Meditite
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Marill
FAINT - 4 months agoA wild
Surskit fainted.
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Minun
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Phantump
CATCH - 4 months agosciros_ex caught a Honchkrow
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Alolan-Marowak
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Drifloon
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Ralts
CATCH - 4 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Venonat
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Lopunny
CATCH - 4 months agoSephraem caught a Magmortar
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Magnemite
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Nuzleaf
CATCH - 4 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Dwebble
CATCH - 4 months agoryko_seratuno caught a Persian
CATCH - 4 months agodokbanks caught a Wailmer
FAINT - 4 months agoA wild
Doduo fainted.
CATCH - 4 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Jolteon
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Illumise
CATCH - 4 months agoMupjup caught a Slaking
CATCH - 5 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Croagunk
CATCH - 5 months agodokbanks caught a Chinchou
CATCH - 5 months agodokbanks caught a Pidgeotto
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Magneton
CATCH - 5 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Nidoran-m
CATCH - 5 months agodokbanks caught a Lopunny
CATCH - 5 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Aron
CATCH - 5 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Alolan-Meowth
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Alolan-Exeggutor
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild
Rhyhorn fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Bellossom
CATCH - 5 months agoryko_seratuno caught a Crawdaunt
CATCH - 5 months agodokbanks caught a Rattata
CATCH - 5 months agoryko_seratuno caught a Gastly
CATCH - 5 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Gardevoir
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Swablu
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Aggron
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Galarian-Corsola
CATCH - 5 months agosciros_ex caught a Kabutops
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Aipom
CATCH - 5 months agoryko_seratuno caught a Snubbull
CATCH - 5 months agoryko_seratuno caught a Skitty
CATCH - 5 months agodokbanks caught a Pichu
CATCH - 5 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Dustox
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Hitmonlee
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild
Metapod fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agoryko_seratuno caught a Nosepass
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Glalie
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Entei
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Marowak
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Mr. Mime
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Skiploom
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Lanturn
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Slowking
CATCH - 5 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Nosepass
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Tentacruel
CATCH - 5 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Buneary
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Exploud
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Sentret
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Corsola
CATCH - 5 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Grimer
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild
Magikarp fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Cottonee
CATCH - 5 months agoReapuh caught a Aron
CATCH - 5 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Maractus
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Masquerain
CATCH - 5 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Shuckle
CATCH - 5 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Combusken
CATCH - 5 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Cottonee
CATCH - 5 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Vigoroth
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild
Roselia fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Kabutops
CATCH - 5 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Cacturne
CATCH - 5 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Swalot
CATCH - 5 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Trevenant
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Ursaring
CATCH - 5 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Noivern
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Smeargle
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Staryu
CATCH - 5 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Lombre
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Altaria
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Toxicroak
CATCH - 5 months agoRevivalFlame caught a Archeops
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Cherubi
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Chandelure
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Ledian
CATCH - 5 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Froslass
CATCH - 5 months agoZuko501 caught a Corphish
CATCH - 5 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Slaking
CATCH - 5 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Nidoran-f
CATCH - 5 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Ralts
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Sylveon
CATCH - 5 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Spinarak
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Mamoswine
CATCH - 5 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Voltorb
CATCH - 5 months agoMupjup caught a Bellossom
CATCH - 5 months agoCynniUniflame caught a Swablu
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Toucannon
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Carvanha
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Lombre
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Ralts
CATCH - 6 months agoSleepy_Psyduck11 caught a Typhlosion
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Solrock
CATCH - 6 months agosciros_ex caught a Politoed
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Girafarig
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Chikorita
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Whiscash
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Omanyte
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Zapdos
CATCH - 6 months agoEnglish_Muffin21 caught a Sceptile
CATCH - 6 months agoMupjup caught a Slugma
CATCH - 6 months agoTriSalt caught a Granbull
CATCH - 6 months agosciros_ex caught a Drowzee