Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream

Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream is a free application not affiliated with Nintendo made for streamers, allowing their viewers to catch, collect, battle & trade Pokémon live on stream! Whenever a Pokémon appears, players are chosen to throw a Pokéball in hopes to catch it!

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Trainer Sprites
Custom Pokémon
Custom Trainer Sprites

    Features include:
  • NEW POKÉMON featuring generation 3 and onwards with custom sprites by @Nuukiie on twitter!
  • Be able to choose which Pokémon "set" to play with (Generation 1, 2 or 2+) with seperate saves for each.
  • Challenge boss trainers with modifiers or create your own.
  • Luck levels increased by catching Pokémon, shiny Pokémon & beating bosses. Luck increases catch chance.
  • Typing Effectiveness & attack move animations per type
  • New Auto-catch option that allows active chatters to choose to catch automatically, no !catch needed to reduce "useless" chat messages a bunch!
  • New '!attack with' command to attack with a specific Pokémon for more strategy!
  • Loads of more settings to customize the program futher.
  • Now shows the amount of lures a user has left in the queue!
  • "View Savefiles" button.
  • Made 2 ultra ball redeems for 1 & 5 by default.
  • MissingNo.'s bird typing is a stronger flying typing.
  • Ability to use your own custom bot.
  • Stack challenges such as "random shiny strong" will randomly challenge someone with their strongest shiny Pokémon.
  • New stat for how many wild mons a user has fainted.
  • Fixed infamous ultraball bug.

Silfalas Pokédex Leaderboard

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1006 total Pokémon collected in this channel!
Recent events on Silfalas's channel
Toggle Shinies Only
FAINT - 2 weeks agoA wild Azurill fainted.
CATCH - 2 weeks agotiochachi29 caught a Paldean-Wooper
CATCH - 2 weeks agoa_n_i_v caught a Wooper
CATCH - 2 weeks agotiochachi29 caught a Seedot
CATCH - 2 weeks agotiochachi29 caught a Alolan-Persian
FAINT - 2 weeks agoA wild Hoppip fainted.
CATCH - 2 weeks agotiochachi29 caught a Dreepy
CATCH - 3 weeks agoSilfalas caught a Spoink
CATCH - 3 weeks agotiochachi29 caught a Camerupt
BATTLE - 4 weeks agomister_sd_manga won against JEDante !
CATCH - 4 weeks agoazymphora caught a Magneton
BATTLE - 4 weeks agomister_sd_manga won against DrGrayfox !
FAINT - 4 weeks agoA wild Onix fainted.
CATCH - 4 weeks agoa_n_i_v caught a Camerupt
FAINT - 4 weeks agoA wild Cleffa fainted.
CATCH - 4 weeks agoazymphora caught a Mankey
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Metapod
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Miltank
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild Numel fainted.
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Zangoose
CATCH - 1 month agoazymphora caught a Pichu
CATCH - 1 month agoazymphora caught a Chansey
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Dragonair
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Sableye
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Mawile
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Larvesta
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Venipede
CATCH - 1 month agotiochachi29 caught a Makuhita
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild Galvantula fainted.
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild Cleffa fainted.
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild Croagunk fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Swampert
CATCH - 2 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Snorunt
CATCH - 2 months agoSilfalas caught a Illumise
CATCH - 2 months agotiochachi29 caught a Froslass
CATCH - 2 months agotiochachi29 caught a Snorunt
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild Poliwag fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agothekingamerRD caught a Jigglypuff
CATCH - 2 months agotiochachi29 caught a Blaziken
CATCH - 2 months agotiochachi29 caught a Marowak
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild Sunkern fainted.
BATTLE - 2 months agomister_sd_manga won against azymphora !
CATCH - 2 months agoSilfalas caught a Phantump
CATCH - 2 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Drakloak
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild Gastly fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agoJEDante caught a Ledyba
CATCH - 2 months agotiochachi29 caught a Cinccino
CATCH - 2 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Togetic
CATCH - 2 months agotiochachi29 caught a Dustox
CATCH - 2 months agoSilfalas caught a Joltik
CATCH - 2 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Jynx
CATCH - 2 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Surskit
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild Gastly fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Wyrdeer
CATCH - 2 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Lampent
CATCH - 2 months agoJEDante caught a Forretress
CATCH - 2 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Ekans
CATCH - 2 months agoRolitooo0 caught a Slugma
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Crawdaunt
FAINT - 3 months agoA wild Pikipek fainted.
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Pinsir
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Camerupt
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Magikarp
BATTLE - 3 months agoSilfalas won against tiochachi29 !
BATTLE - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven won against mister_sd_manga !
CATCH - 3 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Pelipper
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Lombre
CATCH - 3 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Togepi
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Weedle
CATCH - 3 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Poliwhirl
CATCH - 3 months agoRolitooo0 caught a Snorunt
CATCH - 3 months agoRolitooo0 caught a Lapras
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Pikipek
CATCH - 3 months agoSilfalas caught a Froslass
CATCH - 3 months agoSilfalas caught a Clodsire
CATCH - 3 months agoSilfalas caught a Nidoran-m
CATCH - 3 months agoRolitooo0 caught a Machop
CATCH - 3 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Drowzee
CATCH - 3 months agoRolitooo0 caught a Galvantula
CATCH - 3 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Noibat
CATCH - 3 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Cubone
CATCH - 3 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Delcatty
CATCH - 3 months agoDrGrayfox caught a Wartortle
CATCH - 3 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Gloom
CATCH - 3 months agogeLizathe caught a Graveler
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Phantump
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Swampert
CATCH - 3 months agothekingamerRD caught a Drowzee
CATCH - 3 months agothekingamerRD caught a Aipom
FAINT - 3 months agoA wild Smeargle fainted.
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Maractus
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Mamoswine
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Zigzagoon
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Cherubi
CATCH - 3 months agoazymphora caught a Kirlia
CATCH - 3 months agoSilfalas caught a Mawile
FAINT - 3 months agoA wild Sunkern fainted.
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Clodsire
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Alolan-Grimer
CATCH - 3 months agoSilfalas caught a Paldean-Wooper
FAINT - 3 months agoA wild Spearow fainted.
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Meditite
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Surskit
CATCH - 3 months agolakitock caught a Igglybuff
CATCH - 3 months agoSilfalas caught a Spiritomb
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Shroomish
CATCH - 3 months agoSilfalas caught a Honchkrow
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Nosepass
CATCH - 3 months agotiochachi29 caught a Chansey
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Whimsicott
CATCH - 3 months agoLittlePugSeven caught a Dragonite
CATCH - 4 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Spinda
CATCH - 4 months agoFSamus caught a Numel
CATCH - 4 months agoSilfalas caught a Zigzagoon
FAINT - 4 months agoA wild Metapod fainted.
FAINT - 4 months agoA wild Smeargle fainted.
FAINT - 4 months agoA wild Houndour fainted.
CATCH - 4 months agoSilfalas caught a Lotad
CATCH - 4 months agotiochachi29 caught a Togetic
FAINT - 4 months agoA wild Pikachu fainted.
CATCH - 4 months agotiochachi29 caught a Buizel
CATCH - 4 months agotiochachi29 caught a Horsea
CATCH - 4 months agotiochachi29 caught a Volbeat
CATCH - 4 months agoSilfalas caught a Cascoon
CATCH - 4 months agoSilfalas caught a Medicham
CATCH - 4 months agotiochachi29 caught a Minun
CATCH - 4 months agoazymphora caught a Illumise
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Slakoth
CATCH - 5 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Spinda
CATCH - 5 months agoazymphora caught a Ponyta
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Togepi fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agoSilfalas caught a Gardevoir
CATCH - 5 months agomorphogenic_boy caught a Natu
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Weedle fainted.
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Wingull fainted.
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Magikarp fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Kingler
CATCH - 5 months agoSilfalas caught a Mimikyu
CATCH - 5 months agoazymphora caught a Medicham
CATCH - 5 months agoazymphora caught a Nosepass
CATCH - 5 months agojmendez95 caught a Buneary
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Lairon
CATCH - 5 months agoRolito1202 caught a Geodude
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Roselia
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Ursaring
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Sunflora
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Vigoroth
BATTLE - 5 months agotiochachi29 won against JEDante !
CATCH - 5 months agoJEDante caught a Meowth
CATCH - 5 months agoJEDante caught a Wurmple
CATCH - 5 months agoazymphora caught a Raticate
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Seviper
CATCH - 5 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Crobat
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Cleffa fainted.
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Shroomish fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Wurmple
CATCH - 5 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Galarian-Corsola
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Corphish
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Weedle fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Whismur
CATCH - 5 months agoSilfalas caught a Whimsicott
BATTLE - 5 months agoSilfalas won against a_n_i_v !
CATCH - 5 months agoSilfalas caught a Dwebble
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Shroomish
CATCH - 5 months agoazymphora caught a Wooper
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Wingull
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Whimsicott
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Slakoth
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Pelipper
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Paras fainted.
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Abra fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Marill
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Noibat
CATCH - 5 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Illumise
CATCH - 5 months agoazymphora caught a Gallade
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Wooper fainted.
FAINT - 5 months agoA wild Weedle fainted.
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Gardevoir
CATCH - 5 months agotiochachi29 caught a Trapinch
CATCH - 5 months agoSilfalas caught a Whiscash
CATCH - 5 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Kirlia
BATTLE - 5 months agomister_sd_manga won against Silfalas !
CATCH - 5 months agomister_sd_manga caught a Quagsire
CATCH - 6 months agotiochachi29 caught a Kakuna
CATCH - 6 months agoSilfalas caught a Butterfree
CATCH - 6 months agoSilfalas caught a Zangoose
CATCH - 6 months agoSilfalas caught a Cherrim
CATCH - 6 months agoSilfalas caught a Cottonee
CATCH - 6 months agotiochachi29 caught a Plusle
FAINT - 6 months agoA wild Paras fainted.
CATCH - 6 months agoSilfalas caught a Machoke
CATCH - 6 months agotiochachi29 caught a Victreebel
CATCH - 6 months agotiochachi29 caught a Pinsir
CATCH - 6 months agoSilfalas caught a Mareep
CATCH - 6 months agoazymphora caught a Cubone
CATCH - 6 months agoapbgamerp caught a Jynx
BATTLE - 6 months agoTioChachi29 won against Silfalas !
CATCH - 6 months agomister_sd_mangaka caught a Poliwag
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Magikarp fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Exeggcute
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Yanma
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Magcargo
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Mewtwo
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Porygon2
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against DrGrayfox !
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Nidoran-f
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Rhyhorn
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Clefairy
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Marill
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Umbreon
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Pidgeot
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Kakuna
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Magnemite
BATTLE - 1 year agotiochachi29 won against tammysa !
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Gloom
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Sandshrew
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Slugma
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Kabuto
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Ho-oh
CATCH - 1 year agoKmiiloH_ caught a Hoothoot
CATCH - 1 year agoKmiiloH_ caught a Nidorino
CATCH - 1 year agoLittlePugSeven caught a Starmie
CATCH - 1 year agoLittlePugSeven caught a Staryu
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Scizor
BATTLE - 1 year agodrgrayfox won against TioChachi29 !
BATTLE - 1 year agoTiochachi29 won against KmiiloH_ !
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Stantler
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Mareep
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Seaking
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Porygon2
BATTLE - 1 year agoazymphora won against TioChachi29 !
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against azymphora !
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Aerodactyl
CATCH - 1 year agoClaireSouju caught a Hoppip
CATCH - 1 year agoClaireSouju caught a Goldeen
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Nidoking
CATCH - 1 year agoClaireSouju caught a Natu
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Ho-oh
CATCH - 1 year agoClaireSouju caught a Mankey
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Charizard
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against vicros !
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against vicros !
CATCH - 1 year agovicros caught a Articuno
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Togepi
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Swinub
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Starmie
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Chikorita
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Yanma
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Zubat
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Rhyhorn
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Diglett
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Sneasel
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Dewgong
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Charmander
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Cleffa
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Dratini
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Magby
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Krabby fainted.
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Magikarp fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Eevee
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Lanturn
CATCH - 1 year agoFSamus caught a Spearow
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against a_n_i_v !
BATTLE - 1 year agovicros won against a_n_i_v !
CATCH - 1 year agoFSamus caught a Drowzee
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Pikachu fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Gligar
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Natu
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Onix
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Wooper
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Vileplume
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Forretress
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Kabuto fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Smoochum
CATCH - 1 year agoa_n_i_v caught a Poliwag
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Hitmonlee
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Flareon
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Hitmontop
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Butterfree
CATCH - 1 year agoKmiiloH_ caught a Bayleef
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Gengar
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Alakazam
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against vicros !
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Corsola
BATTLE - 1 year agovicros won against a_n_i_v !
CATCH - 1 year agoClaireSouju caught a Snubbull
CATCH - 1 year agoClaireSouju caught a Parasect
RELEASE - 1 year agovicros released their Hoppip
CATCH - 1 year agovicros caught a Hoppip
RELEASE - 1 year agovicros released their Mareep
CATCH - 1 year agovicros caught a Mareep
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against vicros !
RELEASE - 1 year agovicros released their Poliwhirl
CATCH - 1 year agovicros caught a Poliwhirl
BATTLE - 1 year agovicros won against a_n_i_v !
CATCH - 1 year agovicros caught a Celebi
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Weedle
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Espeon
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Lickitung
BATTLE - 1 year agovicros won against TioChachi29 !
CATCH - 1 year agovicros caught a Entei
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against Silfalas !
BATTLE - 1 year agotiochachi29 won against tammysa !
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against DrGrayfox !
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against DrGrayfox !
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against DrGrayfox !
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Poliwag
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Scyther
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Gengar
CATCH - 1 year agopuercogoloso caught a Caterpie
CATCH - 1 year agopuercogoloso caught a Hoothoot
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Ivysaur
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Drowzee
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Krabby
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Unown
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Spearow
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Shuckle
CATCH - 1 year agoClaireSouju caught a Celebi
BATTLE - 1 year agoSilfalas won against a_n_i_v !
BATTLE - 1 year agoa_n_i_v won against Silfalas !
BATTLE - 1 year agoSilfalas won against a_n_i_v !
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Steelix
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Lanturn
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Shellder
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Snorlax
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Poliwag
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Shellder
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Sandshrew
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Weedle
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Noctowl
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Hitmonlee
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Raichu
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Gastly fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Pidgey
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Seadra
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Misdreavus
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Togetic
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Clefairy
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Abra fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Snorlax
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Hoppip
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Mew
BATTLE - 1 year agodrgrayfox won against FSamus !
CATCH - 1 year agoFSamus caught a Sudowoodo
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Pineco fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Butterfree
CATCH - 1 year agoFSamus caught a Sunkern
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Chansey
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Hitmonlee
CATCH - 1 year agoFSamus caught a Vulpix
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Tyrogue
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Poliwrath
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Gloom
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Spinarak fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Porygon
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Paras
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Quagsire
CATCH - 1 year agoMaskota7 caught a Gastly
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Yanma
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Scizor
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Swinub
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Slugma
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Sneasel
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Swinub
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Magmar
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Shellder fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Tauros
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Quilava
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Tentacool
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Sudowoodo
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Sneasel
BATTLE - 1 year agoTioChachi29 won against tammysa !
BATTLE - 1 year agotiochachi29 won against tammysa !
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Marowak
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Pichu fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Marowak
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Jumpluff
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Raticate
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Remoraid
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Natu fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Exeggutor
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Parasect
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Arcanine
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Dratini
CATCH - 1 year agoDrGrayfox caught a Smeargle
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Octillery
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Chinchou
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Ponyta
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Nidoran-m
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Gastly
CATCH - 1 year agoazymphora caught a Larvitar
CATCH - 1 year agosilfalas caught a Vulpix
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Snubbull
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild Magikarp fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Typhlosion
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Kangaskhan
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Rattata
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Vulpix
CATCH - 1 year agose3cret caught a Drowzee
CATCH - 1 year agoTioChachi29 caught a Kabuto